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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Everything we do at Trojan, is impacted by our values, ethics and culture as a responsible business with high standards of behaviour and performance. These principles provide the basis for us as a responsible employer and ensure that we fulfil the duties, responsibilities and trust that our Clients place in us to the best of our abilities.


At Trojan we take our Corporate and Social responsibilities very seriously and are mindful of the social, economic and environmental impact that our daily activities may have on everybody connected with our business, including our clients, employees, supply chain, communities and the broader environment.

We make every effort to ensure that our actions have a positive impact on everything and everyone they come into contact with.

The commitment, support and guidance provided by the Directors ensures that the development, and positive promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility is embraced by our management team, employees, sub-contractors and suppliers.

Trojan are committed to ensuring that any business undertakings are conducted as ethically as possible by undertaking the following:

Looking after our employees

To retain loyal and productive staff, we believe that it is vital to maintain a good working environment.

Trojan as an employer has, since its inception, provided opportunities to people based upon merit, in an environment that encourages promotion, success and longevity.

It is, and always has been Trojans goal to treat all employees respectfully at all levels.

Trojan promotes and maintains a culture of trust between employees and senior management and actively encourages an “open door” policy for communication between all employees, no matter what their role is within the business.

Trojan as an employer strives to provide a wide range of benefits to all employees such as above average rates of pay, job security, social interaction, a sense of purpose, recognition, reward and a degree of autonomy and flexibility in carrying out their roles.

Training and Education

We actively encourage and support our employees in studying for various qualifications, including Degrees, NVQ’s, Professional and Leadership qualifications and extensive Health and Safety and Plant training, as well as employing younger school leavers and part time students studying National Certificates courses.

We have teamed up with the “Go-Wales Achieve Through Work Experience Programme” in partnership with Higher Education Institutions across Wales. The programme is designed to support the employability of young students on higher education courses in Wales and is aimed at young students who have faced barriers in accessing higher education or work experience and are most at risk of not securing employment, education or training when leaving their higher education course. Through work experience students are able to gain valuable skills and experience which can help to increase their employability, confidence and contacts, which will hopefully develop routes into their desired career.

Trojan will continue to support students with practical experience in roles related to their academic studies such as Civil Engineering, Quantity Surveying and Office Management.

Trojan are members of the Four Construction Training Group with representation at Executive Board level by Trojans Director

Equal Opportunities (Human Rights Act 2010)

Trojan believe that everyone should be treated fairly and on their own merit and ability. This policy is the ethos of our selection and recruitment procedure and also applies to promotion, training, discipline and dismissal. We provide training for managers and supervisors in interviewing, selection, promotion and recruitment to ensure that they understand the legislation and our policy.

We ensure that we are aware of and comply with legislation including the Equal Pay Act 1970, The Race Relations Act 1976 (together with the 2000 amendment), Disability Discrimination Act 1997 and the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 (together with the 1995 amendment).

We aim to encourage, value and manage diversity in all areas of our business and to be an equal opportunities employer. We are committed to providing equality for all and to this end we make real efforts to attain a workforce that is representative of the local community by ensuring that we use as wide a selection of advertising mediums as and by monitoring the ethnicity of job applicants.

We do not accept discrimination on the grounds of gender, sex, marital status or gender re-assignment. Nor will we tolerate discrimination on the grounds of race, ethnic origin, colour, nationality, national origin, religion or belief, age or disability.

We will not tolerate victimisation, discrimination or harassment in any form, and we make it clear that if any instances are reported, they will be investigated and could lead to disciplinary action and/ or dismissal.

We work with our clients and suppliers to ensure that they understand our ethos and we make it clear that fair treatment for all is expected and should be maintained.

Slavery and Human Trafficking (Modern Slavery Act 2015)

 Trojan recognises that slavery and human trafficking remains a hidden blight on our global society and our aim is to identify our responsibility by alerting staff to the risks, however small, within our business and in the wider supply chain. Staff are expected and encouraged to report concerns to management, where they are expected to act upon them.

Company activities are varied through multi-disciplined areas and sectors and likewise, we have a multi-disciplined supply chain to support us through the different aspects and provisions of our business. Despite this complex and widespread nature of our supply chain, we are committed to ensuring that there is no modern-day slavery or human trafficking in our supply chain, or in any part of our business.

Our Anti-Slavery Policy Statement reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in our supply chains.

Health and Safety

Trojan gives highest priority to achieving and maintaining exemplary standards of Health & Safety management and is accredited under the SSIP schemes, SMAS and CHAS, as well as being members of the South Wales Safety Group.

Trojans Directors ensure that all employees, sub-contractors, and suppliers are kept fully informed and subscribe fully to the procedures that are implemented by the company.

We take all appropriate action to comply with Health & Safety best practice and legislation, with a clearly defined Health & Safety Policy relating to our operations, supported by an appointed Health & Safety manager, along with our external advisors.

We are monitored across all sites by an external Health and Safety consultant who assesses our performance and provides detailed reports to Senior Management following each site inspection.

Protecting the Environment

Trojan is committed to a policy of effectively managing environmental performance in order to minimise the impact of our business processes on the natural environment and the community at large. This commitment extends to all workplaces, employees and others affected by our operations.

Our objective is to integrate the assessment, management and control of environmental issues into the management of our business.

Examples of good practice implemented across our sites are as follows:

  • We successfully recycle over 98% of our waste from our sites, significantly reducing the amount of disposal at landfill facilities.
  • We purchase recycled aggregates across all of our sites, which reduces environmentally damaging operations such as quarrying of raw materials and significantly reduces landfill.
  • We utilise energy efficient plant and welfare equipment across our sites therefore reducing emissions.
  • We encourage vehicle sharing by our employees while travelling to our workplaces and have provided six-seater transport to accommodate the workforce.
  • We provide on-site accommodation for our employees, which reduces the amount of travelling required.
  • By utilising suppliers based locally to our sites, we ensure the reduction of our carbon footprint in terms of deliveries.
  • We ensure that we have controls in place to efficiently manage dust, emissions and odours that may become present due to our activities.
  • We work closely with clients and their consultants to carefully manage the potential impacts on the local habitat in terms of ecology and protected species.
  • Any sites where historic or ancient remains and built heritage are present are carefully managed alongside specialist archaeological consultants with watching briefs.
  • Many of our project are undertaken on brown field sites where significant clean-up operations are required prior to, or as part of the ongoing works. This contamination can be found in many forms, such as asbestos, hydrocarbons or invasive species such as Japanese Knotweed. In any of these circumstances, Trojan appoint, or work alongside client appointed specialists to bring the site back to a clean and environmentally sound condition.
  • Noise and vibration as a result of the works is carefully managed to ensure that the impact on the environment is minimised.

We will always:

  • Assess the environmental impact of our operations during planning, design and implementation phases to prevent pollution of the external environment.
  • Ensure compliance with all relevant environmental legislation as a minimum and, where practical, approved codes of practice and other requirements such as those specified by our clients.
  • Develop and implement objectives and targets to ensure a continual improvement in our environmental performance.
  • Incorporate sustainable environmental considerations into our design standards and construction practices having particular regard to energy and water consumption, use of low environmental impact materials, designing out waste and reusing materials, wherever possible.
  • Take reasonable and appropriate measures to ensure that our supply chain provides us with FSC® / PEFC certified timber / timber products.
  • Play our part in minimising the amount of construction, demolition and excavation waste going to landfill. We will work to adopt and implement standards for good practice in reducing waste, recycling more, and increasing the use of recycled and recovered materials.

The Directors have the overall responsibility for environmental management. They will discharge this responsibility with the assistance of management, employees and sub-contractors and suppliers. The Directors accept their responsibility for environmental management and will ensure that resources, facilities, finances, information, instruction, training and supervision are provided, as necessary, to maintain a positive environmental culture and performance.

Trojans management is responsible for the implementation of this Policy statement and for ensuring environmental risks are assessed and appropriate management controls are implemented in accordance with Trojans standards. Environmental responsibilities have been defined for all Trojan personnel and are contained within the Company Environmental Policy document.

All employees and sub-contractors are expected to co-operate with Trojan in the implementation of the Environmental Policy document and will ensure that their own work, so far as is reasonably practicable, is carried out with minimum risk to the environment. Consultation with all relevant stakeholders will be structured to ensure environmental awareness and to encourage feedback so as to continually improve our environmental management processes.

This Policy statement will be prominently displayed at all workplaces and made available to the public and other interested parties upon request. The Environmental Policy document will also be available at all workplaces for reference by any employee or contractor, as required. The Environmental Policy document is continually being monitored and developed and will be formally reviewed annually. However, in exceptional circumstances this Policy may be amended as required by changes in legislation or work practices.


From 298.71 tonnes of removed material, we’ve managed to recycle 96.91% which equals 289.534 tonnes.

Waste Recovered

From 298.71 tonnes of removed material, 0.492%, or just under 1.5 tonnes was recovered.


From 298.71 tonnes of removed material, only 2.58% ended in landfill.

Community Engagement

Trojan is committed to making a difference in the communities in which we work and live. We aim to be sensitive to our local communities’ social and economic needs and enhance the benefits that our business activities bring. As well as demonstrating good corporate citizenship, it helps to develop and strengthen our links with the communities in which we are based, and also support one of our key business goals in making our company a great place to work.

To achieve these aims we focus on the following areas:

  • Being a considerate neighbour – Trojan aims to establish open communications and good working relationships with our neighbours. We adopt a thoughtful and proactive approach to minimising any disruption we have on local communities. Trojan is associate member of the Considerate Constructors Scheme which is a national scheme to improve the image of the construction industry. Our commitment requires all Trojan construction sites to register and adopt the scheme’s Code of Practice. The majority of Trojan projects scored highly with Performance Beyond Compliance Certificates being awarded. We review our performance annually and take on board any recommendations in order to improve our procedures.
  • Engaging with our communities – Trojans Directors have set out to involve the company in community and charitable support since its inception. We aim to make a positive contribution to the community through the development of, and involvement in, a range of initiatives and programmes, working closely with our employees, supply chain and clients. Trojan is also committed to working with and supporting our customers in achieving their aspirations for making a difference in the local, or wider international community such as contributing to KFC’s World Hunger Relief charity.
  • Support for volunteering – Trojan will allow and actively encourage employees to take up to two working days, or 16 hours paid leave a year, to spend on volunteering for approved projects that fit with our community engagement programme. Responsibility for the direction and implementation of this policy and our Community Engagement Programme lies with the Directors and Senior Management, but suggestions for the implementation of new projects from employees, clients and our supply chain are actively encouraged.
  • Fundraising for Charities – Trojan have held charity fundraising events annually since 2012, raising in excess of £12,000 for charities such as Teenage Cancer Trust, Bridging the Gap, Newlife, The Safe Foundation and Cancer Aid. Trojan have provided tents for homeless charities and “loaned” our vehicles to charities to carry our deliveries of clothing and food rations to the refugee camps in Calais. Trojan have sponsored grass roots sports teams and have provided funding for football and rugby kits for numerous junior sport teams and gymnasts, as well as sponsoring senior teams.

Looking after Customers

Trojan strongly recognise the importance of looking after their customers and strive to ensure that they have a positive and lasting impression of the business. The high standards upheld and consistently delivered by the Trojan team has contributed to the rapid growth of the company, delivering the highest quality at every stage of the development.

Trojans understanding of the latest procedures, processes and best practice across the construction sectors and how these are implemented within specialist areas like drive through food and coffee outlets, ensures projects can be delivered on time, to brief and within budget.

Excellent client relations and the extensive training provided to the highly skilled Trojan workforce are instrumental in ensuring a positive and productive service is offered. Trojans team are well known for being dynamic and highly motivated with a can-do attitude, therefore ensuring that an excellent client-contractor relationship is maintained.

Trojan works hard to understand the clients specific brand requirements when working on projects such as Starbucks, Costa, KFC and Taco Bell. This knowledge and understanding sets Trojan apart from our competitors. This passion for strong client relations was recognised when Trojan were selected as KFC’s Contractor of the Year in 2014-2015.

The value for money provided by the company has also been a talking point amongst clients. Trojans value engineering and commercial management knowledge and skills ensure projects of all shapes and sizes are successfully delivered with the support of the management team.

Trojan were appointed by KFC to work alongside Price Waterhouse Cooper to assist in “value engineering” throughout the build process. Trojan’s close working relationship with the Design Team, Architects, Engineers and M&E consultants, has allowed clients such as KFC to benefit greatly from the teamwork and partnering ethic.